Collection: Walk of Life

Photo art has been the core of the LW heart from the beginning. Because of this, we just love how photography communicates, across all borders, as the most beautiful language.
Walk of life - Inspired by old paintings with themes such as Memento Mori and Vanitas. Here we wanted to portray some of the stages we enter into and situations we encounter through life. It also became natural to include flowers in our image, beautiful, full of life, but pernicious. Walk of life is a LW Photo Art in creative collaboration with the Swedish photographer Ela Strand and the Swedish designer Anna Scholz Amouei.

You will always find the answers in your heart where it has been waiting since long before the questions” -Atticus
The warriors say: Listen to the heartbeats you know so well, the rhythm speaks of what you once knew but may have forgotten.

 In the end only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you” –  Buddha
The warriors say: Love ties us together. My love, my child, my blessings. The beat of our hearts makes the world go round into eternity…