Glaucous Macaw No 2 - SAVE A PRINT
Glaucous Macaw No 2 - SAVE A PRINT
Are you in touch with the animal inside you? Or do you have a totem or an animal spirit that walks along your side? If humans, to a greater extent, were closer connected to animals and animal spirits _ would we then care more about our wild friends, some of which are about to be extinct?
In this LW production, we depict humans and animal spirits integrated and for the first time we combine photography with handmade illustrations. In order to create these images, we have met dancers, yogis, a circus artist and a capoeira master and we have then juxtaposed their bodies with vivid illustrations of some endangered species.
To emphasize the urgency to save these animals, we have added the number animals that are still alive but under constant threat, to each title. This is a Love Warrior production realised together with Hasselblad master winning cinematographer Roy Rossovich and the talented illustrator Saga Mariah Sandberg